Schools and colleges across the country are closed on Thursday.

All primary schools, secondary schools, high schools, colleges.

Schools and technical educational institutions in the country will not open on Thursday (May 2) in compliance with the Supreme Court directives.

But the Ministry of Education will not officially say anything about opening or closing educational institutions.

Meanwhile, various educational institutions in the capital have issued closure notices like theirs tomorrow.

Such as Vikarunisa Noon School and College in Dhaka, Ideal School and College in Motijheel, Rajuk Uttara Model College, and IG Church School in Eskaton.

The information that I spoke to the heads of the Ministry of Education and various educational institutions is known.

In 27 districts where temperatures were rising, educational institutions were closed on Tuesday.

But teachers are in a state of panic as they did not receive any message from the Ministry of Education regarding the opening or closing of educational institutions on Thursday.

But the Ministry of Primary and Mass. visit more news

Education announced the closure of primary schools until Thursday.

In response to a question, Public Relations Officer at the Ministry of Education, Abu Al-Khair, said that the Minister of Education made a clear statement on Wednesday (April 30).

Since the court requested the closure of the educational institution, the court order will be adhered to for the time being.

The Ministry of Education will remain on a “no comment” position on the issue of opening educational institutions as there is no copy of the Supreme Court order and no time to appeal against this order.

Schools and colleges across the country are closed

On Thursday
Allegation of accepting a bribe against the school principal
By the way, schools and colleges began working as of last Saturday after remaining closed for a week after the Eid holiday.

Students are facing difficulties in opening schools amid the severe heat wave the country is witnessing. Many students get sick in the summer.

Many have died. In this case, questions have been raised about keeping schools,

Colleges and madrassas open.

Meanwhile, in such a situation, the Supreme Court ordered the closure of primary and secondary school classes and religious schools until next Thursday (May 2).

On Monday (April 29), the Supreme Court bench of Justice KM Kamrul Qadir and Justice Khyzir Hayat passed the order.

The order says – However, this order will not apply to O-level, A-level, college and university examinations in those schools where the AC system is in place, and the examinations are ongoing.

Lawyer Muniruddin drew the court’s attention

To the report published in various newspapers about the death of 18 people in the ongoing heat wave.

At that time, the Deputy Public Prosecutor was Sheikh Mohammed. Saifuzzaman, Assistant District Attorney Reena Sultana, Maryland Samuel Sarkar and Ashiq Robait.

Earlier, the Education Minister said that the current temperature in our country is not the highest in the history of Bangladesh.

So we have to think about why there is so much talk about closing schools.


He said: I cannot match the temperature of the entire country with the temperature of the capital Dhaka in the Meteorological Department forecast.

At the moment there is a possibility of a high of up to 40 (degrees) in five regions.

The temperature in only five out of 64 regions

Is expected to reach 40 degrees. In this case, it is not reasonable to close all schools. This is our position.

He also said that if there is an extreme heatwave in a particular area, there are instructions from the ministry’s Directorate of Primary Education to ensure that children do not suffer.

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Now there is a tendency to close schools and higher schools at all but in reality this is not true. And I will ask that we not judge the entire country based on the capital.

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