Massive police presence, high tension at University of California.

A large security presence at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA. They surrounded the entire campus. Police could launch an operation at any time to remove students protesting to end the war in Gaza. There is high tension there.

According to reports by Reuters and CNN, police were stationed there in preparation for riots after pro-Israel clashes with pro-Palestinian demonstrators on campus. Several special police units were brought in on Wednesday evening (May 1). They were stationed there, equipped with all modern equipment,.

To disperse the agitated mob.

The police are heading towards the angry students. Saying that the rioters should fold their tents and leave now. Or they will be removed by force. The assembly was declared illegal. So strict action will be taken against those staying here. click here

Police in California took similar measures on Tuesday night, 24 hours after the raid on Columbia University in New York.

Heavy police presence and high tension at the University of California
Columbia University is under police control, and dozens have been arrested
At Columbia University, police launched a police operation when protesting students took over the Hamilton Hall academic building. The police removed everyone from there within just two hours of the operation.

The police then evacuated the Palestinian tents on the university campus. 300 people were arrested in the raid. The police are currently stationed there.

No one is allowed to gather at Columbia University again.

Following the police raid at Columbia University, there were reports of pro-Israel clashes with pro-Palestinian demonstrators on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles, USA.

The UCLA student newspaper, the Daily Bruin, said that Israel supporters were trying to disperse a camp of Palestinian protesters on campus. At this time this collision occurred.

In a post on social media

Los Angeles Deputy Mayor for Communications Zach Seidel said police were on campus to control the situation. They visited the campus at the request of UC Chancellor Gene Block. Since then, the police presence has gradually increased.


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Several American universities have been on alert since last week to demand an end to the Israeli attacks on Gaza. Students set up tents on campus and began protesting.

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