Arrested Milton Samaddar’s ashram is being raided by DB.

“Child and Elderly Care”

DB conducts operations at Milton Samadar Foundation “Child and Elderly Care” in Mirpur in the capital.  update news for visit 

On Wednesday (May 1) at 8:00 pm, the operation began at that institution in Baikpara.

Earlier the same evening, the police arrested Milton Smadar, a well-known face on social media, who is accused of all kinds of horrific fraud under the guise of a peddler of humanity.

Base police chief Harun Or Rashid said Milton was arrested on the basis of specific information.

He is currently in our custody. 

The complaint against Milton Samada is that he built a nursing home called “Children and Elderly Care” and took refuge from the streets for sick and homeless people.


He is often seen making videos of women, men and children and posting them on social media. Highlighting people’s helplessness and asking rich people to help them.

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Before that, on April 25, a story was published in the print edition of a newspaper with the headline “Milton’s terrible grave behind the human mask.”

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