Despite the party’s efforts, the ruling Awami League is unable to stop the activities of ministers and members of parliament in the upazila elections

Despite the party’s efforts, the ruling Awami League is unable to stop the activities of ministers and members of parliament in the upazila elections.


The party’s responsible leaders

Quit after being disappointed. But now, the Awami League is trying to avoid conflict and increase voter turnout through government administration.

According to the Awami League’s calculations from Wednesday’s first round of voting, about 50 relatives of ministers and members of parliament voted.

In addition, in almost all the upazilas,

The “close or loyal” leaders of the parliamentary ministers vote. Since the rival candidates are also local Awami League leaders, there is a risk of conflict. In such a situation, the main aim of the ruling party is to avoid conflicts in the polls.

This year’s upazila elections are being conducted in four phases.

In the first phase today, voting is taking place in 139 upazilas. The ruling Awami League has not given the party symbol to anyone this time.

As a result, several party candidates contested in each upazila. In many places, the ‘MP candidate vs other leaders’ situation has also emerged, which is making the decision-makers of the Awami League think twice.


Several central Awami League leaders

Said that under party chief Sheikh Hasina, the party’s general secretary ordered relatives of ministers and members of parliament to vacate the upazila. At some point, the scope of the relatives of members of parliament is limited to the wife and children, not bringing those who are currently elected under the ban.

These relaxations are also shown. But the team could not reach the goal.

A central organizing secretary of the Awami League said ministers and members of parliament consider the upazila president a danger to themselves.

As a result, they are desperate to make their relatives or close friends as president. This has become a matter of concern.


The areas where the eyes will be

Awami League leaders will be eyeing some districts, including Noakhali, Madaripur, Bogra, and Pabna, in the first phase of polling.

In these places, because the candidates are relatives of ministers and parliamentarians, heat has been created in the meantime.

Apart from this, many of the Awami League leaders fear conflicts in these places due to local conflict.


Madaripur district politics has long been divided

Around Awami League presidium member Shajahan Khan and AFM joint general secretary Bahauddin Nashim.

This time, the old conflict over the upazila vote has intensified. Shajahan Khan appointed his son Asibur Rahman Khan as president of Sadar Upazila. Bahauddin Nashim came down with Pavelur Rahman Khan, the organizing secretary of the district Awami league.

As a result, the heat spread ahead of the vote.


Awami League District President

AHM Khairul Anam Chowdhury has been the Subarnachar Upazila Parishad President of Noakhali for three consecutive terms. But this time, local member of parliament Mohammad Ekramul Karim Chowdhury nominated his son Atahar Ishraq Chowdhury as the candidate, causing division in the local Awami League.


According to several Awami League sources

The party leadership is upset with the activities of Shajahan Khan and Ekramul Karim Chowdhury in the upazila.

Their problem is one of the reasons why they instruct ministers and MPs not to vote for their relatives.

Local MP Ali Azgar’s brother, Ali Munchur, votes in Damurhuda in Chuadanga. Naeem Hasan Joardar, nephew of MP Solaiman Haque Joardar, is also in the contest.

Other candidates in the district expressed concern about MPs’ influence.

Shakhawat Hossain, son of MP Sahadara Mannan, could not be seated in Sariakandi, Bogra.

Mihaduzzaman, the parliamentarian’s brother, also became a candidate in Sonatala upazila next door.


“Trying to vote right”

Awami League sources said the administration has been instructed to remain neutral as it is not possible to prevent the organizational influence of ministers and members of parliament.

The Prime Minister’s Office, Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader himself, and the leaders responsible for the organization contacted the local administration in their way.

Last Sunday, the Electoral Commission sent a letter to the Secretariat of the National Parliament seeking special directions to prevent members of parliament and government beneficiaries from campaigning for “very important” people in the upazila elections.



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